Life is a moderate paced third-person action adventure that takes place on an alien planet. As Morph, a translucent green blob, you must journey through a lush alien forest fighting the Void to return the color and life back to his planet. Morph uses his power punch to destroy Voidling’s to return life and color to his planet allowing him to progress by activating switches, doors, and traps. Morph must seek out the source of the Void and purge it from his planet. The player will be attacking various enemies to destroy them and return the life and color back into the world. The player attacks with a regular punch attack combination, which can be used to destroy enemies, move objects, destroy some destructible objects, and activate triggers and traps. Also the player will have the ability to absorb color from voidlings and return it back to his planet using a release action.
License type = Freeware |